Medbourne’s Neighbourhood Plan
The Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan has been ‘made’ (4th July 2018) following a positive referendum result on 28th June 2018. It will now be used to determine planning applications within the designated area. See the final Decision Statement.
The Plan and associated documents are available below.
Neighbourhood Plan Documents
The Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan (the Referendum version) is comprised of the documents listed below.
All the documents below are in PDF format.
- Appendix 1 - Basic Conditions Statement
- Appendix 2 - Consultation Statement
- CS Appendix 1 – MNPAC Terms of Reference
- CS Appendix 2 - MNPAC Communications Policy
- CS Appendix 3 - PC Questionnaire Additional Analysis
- CS Appendix 4 - Open Event (1) Analysis
- CS Appendix 5 – MNPAC Questionnaire Analysis
- CS Appendix 6 – Open Event (2) Analysis
- CS Appendix 7 – Youngsters Event Report
- CS Appendix 8 – Stakeholder Letter (August 2016)
- CS Appendix 9 – Stakeholder Letter (August 2017)
- CS Appendix 10 - Landowner Letter
- CS Appendix 11 – Pre-submission Consultation Comments
- CS Appendix 12 – Flyers and Posters
- CS Appendix 13 – Website Pages Record
- Appendix 3 – Housing Site Assessment
- Appendix 4a – Census Data
- Appendix 4b- Land Registry Data
- Appendix 5 - Housing Needs Report
- Appendix 6 – Design Guide
- Appendix 7 – Environmental Inventory
- Appendix 8 – Environmental Designations
- Appendix 9 – Local Green Space Designations
- Appendix 10 - Listed Buildings in Medbourne
- Appendix 11 - Local Heritage Assets
- Appendix 12 – Important Views Descriptions
- Appendix 13 - Larger Size Maps
The complete document package can be downloaded here…
Supporting Documents
Additional documents that we have been asked to publish in support of the Neighbourhood Plan:
- SEA Screening Assessment (PDF File)
- SEA Screening and Determination March 2018 (PDF File)
- Initial Letter from Examiner 15th March 2018 (PDF File)
- Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement (PDF File)
- Referendum Notice Poster (PDF File)
The Back Story
- In 2014 the Parish Council was advised that Medbourne had been designated a Selected Rural Village in the Core Strategy for Harborough District Council, which meant that Medbourne would be allocated some housing development.
- A questionnaire, sent out in November 2014, indicated strong community support for influencing housing development so the Parish Council took the decision to develop a Neighbourhood Plan.
- The Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Committee (MNPAC) was set up in July 2015 with a mandate from the Parish Council to drive the process, consult with the local community, gather evidence to support policies and deliver the Plan.
- Developing Medbourne’s Neighbourhood Plan has taken over two years of work by MNPAC. Grants won from Locality and The Big Lottery fund have supported the involvement of professional consultants “YourLocale”.
- Medbourne’s residents, business owners and other stakeholders have been consulted throughout the process.
- A formal (Regulation 14) Pre-Submission Public Consultation took place over a six-week period from August 29th to October 10th 2017 and the comments were considered in making final amendments to the Plan.
- The resulting plan is soundly based on evidence and has been shaped by local opinion, with policies being tested as they have been developed.
The Parish Council formally submitted the Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan to Harborough District Council on 8th December 2017.
- Harborough District Council then carried out a Public Consultation (Regulation 16) on the Plan, which ran for six weeks from 7th February to 22nd March 2018.
- The Plan then passed examination by an Independent Examiner who reviewed it and checked that it meets the ‘Basic Conditions’. Following modifications recommended by the Examiner, Harborough District Council Executive approved the plan, so that it could proceed to referendum.
- The Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan referendum was held on Thursday 28th June 2018.
- The Parish Council disbanded the MNPAC as agreed at the Parish Council meeting on 2nd July 2018.
- Having passed the referendum, the Plan was ‘made’ on 4th July 2018.
What Next?
The Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan will now be used to determine planning applications within the Designated Area
The Parish Council will highlight any relevant policy areas for future applications when commenting to the Local Planning Authority. This will help ensure that the Development Management officers are aware of all the relevant policies and fully take them into account when determining the application.
The Parish Council will informally review the Medbourne Neighbourhood Plan regularly to ensure that it remains fit-for-purpose.
A more formal review may be required if there is a major strategic policy change.