Plans for Hall Reconfiguration and Refurbishment
The Village Hall Committee has now opted for a phased approach to development of the Hall. This allows for grant funding in smaller, more manageable tranches. It will also minimise disruption to Hall users as each phase delivers a usable facility.
The following phases are currently proposed:
Phase 1
Re-model and update the Doctor’s surgery area, including a new disabled toilet. Improve access by re-opening the main entrance door at the side of the kitchen. Create a new doorway between the small and large halls.
Please see the news release to the Village about the start of Phase 1.
Phase 2
Demolish the leaking flat roofed toilet extension. Rebuild new toilet facilities with a corridor linked to the small hall. Enlarge the kitchen. Add a stairway and small office above. Replace gas boiler/s to serve all the village hall.
Phase 3
Improve viability/flexibility by installing folding screens to enable independent use of the small hall as a private room. Add a mezzanine floor with roof windows as a further meeting room for presentations, computer training, film nights etc, accessed by the new stairs from Phase 2.
Phase 4
Refurbish the main hall, including opening up of the original ceiling, including re-roofing, new roof light, new insulation and plasterboard ceiling and refurbishment of historic glazing.
The Phased Plan (PDF Filie) gives a good overview of the work in Phases 1 to 4. The South and East Proposed Elevations shows how the building will look from the Nevill car park and Main Street. The North and West Proposed Elevations (PDF File) shows how the building will look from the garden of 10 Main Street and from the brook. The Block Plan shows the footprint of the rebuilt toilets and the proposed location of temporary toilets.
(For reference, the planning applications are numbered: 17/01927/LBC and 17/01926/FUL. In order to follow up on these up you can use the Planning Applications page on the Parish Council web site.)
And possibly in the future:
Phase 5
The extension towards the brook of the historical and archive room.
Our ultimate goal is to realise an economically sustainable and flexible village hall for future generations.
If you have any comments or suggestions please email us on
Please note that at this time all the proposals are DRAFT with the exception of Phase 1.