Medbourne's Defibrillators

Medbourne has two defibrillators as a result of fund-raisng within the village. Below is the history of the fund-raising project. The defibrillators are installed at the Sports Club and the Village Hall.
Using the Defibrillator
The Village Defibrillator is located at Medbourne Village Hall. It is on the external wall facing the field. The location is: Medbourne Village Hall, 8 Main Street, Medbourne LE16 8DT. It is accessible 24/7. It has a motion sensitive light above it should it be needed in the dark.
If you need to use the Defibrillator call 999. Give the location of the defibrillator to the emergency services and you will be given the code for the door of the box to allow access to the machine.
For information on how and when to use the Defibrillator see these web sites:
Medbourne's Defibrillator Fund-raising
Below are copies of the letters sent to the Village by the fund-raising project.
Defibrillator Update - July 2016
We are pleased to announce that we have now purchased two defibrillators for Medbourne. One is installed in the outside toilet at the Sports Club, which will be available 24/7. One is temporarily installed inside the Village Hall; this machine will be permanently located on the outside of the Village Hall once planning permission and listed buildings consent have been obtained. We have purchased a separate set of pads for each machine enabling them to also be used for small children.
The Sports Club and the Village Hall are now responsible for registering the machines which will ensure that the emergency services are aware of them both and of their locations.
In the event of needing to use the machines the first step is to ring 999 and the emergency services will give guidance on the use of the machine – including giving the caller the combination code to access each machine.
Over the next few weeks we will be putting some posters around the village to alert both villagers and others to the exact location of the machines.
The fundraising efforts of the village have also enabled two First Aid courses -covering adult, baby and child life support and AED (automatic external defibrillation) - to take place ensuring that over 20 people in and around the village are now trained. There will be another First Aid course held in the Autumn and anyone wishing to attend should contact David Tyler.
Once again, many thanks to everyone for their support for this potentially life-saving project.
David and Val Tyler (565242)
(and Jo Milligan and Rebekah Budenberg, committee members)
Defibrillator Update - April 2016
Thank you to everyone who has supported the fundraising campaign in Medbourne. We are pleased to announce that the total raised is £8,039. As you will know the fund is now closed.
The current situation is that we are now in a position to purchase two defibrillators – one to be located at the Sports Club and one to be located centrally in the village - both with 24/7 access. Both defibrillators should be installed during the Spring.
Our special thanks go to the anonymous donor who has enabled the fund to purchase a defibrillator for the Sports Club; to the donor who has offered to fund replacement batteries for the defibrillator in the centre of the village; to the family of Eddie Leaver for the donation in his memory; to the Two Shires Doctor's practice for the donation of a First Aid training session for 12 people; to Medbourne Village Stores for having a collection box on its counter; and to Medbourne WI for donating £438 from its recent coffee morning.
We are also pleased to say that the initial First Aid training session (including CPR training), for 12 participants, will be held on Wednesday April 6th. Other First Aid courses will run over the Spring and Summer. Please contact David Tyler if you would like to attend one of these courses which are being funded by the money raised.
The fund will not only buy the 2 defibrillators and offer several on-going First Aid training sessions but it will also pay to install the centrally located machine and ensure it is properly maintained in future years and if necessary replacement parts/machine purchased.
The committee has approached Medbourne Parish Council regarding the custodianship of the fund once the initial purchases have been made. We will keep the village up to date on decisions through the parish magazine.
Many thanks to everyone for their support to this potentially life-saving project.
David and Val Tyler (565242)
(and Jo Milligan and Rebekah Budenberg, committee members)
Defibrillator Update - February 2016
We are delighted to let everyone know that the fundraising efforts towards purchasing a defibrillator for Medbourne have been very successful.
As a result of the generosity of the villagers we are now able to announce that we have raised sufficient funds to buy a defibrillator which will be located in the centre of the village.
In addition to this, due to the generosity of an anonymous donor in the village, we are also able to purchase another defibrillator and box which will be located at the Sports Club; the Club will take on responsibility for the maintenance, insurance and servicing of this defibrillator which will be available 24/7. Our grateful thanks go to this donor in particular.
The Defibrillator Fund will therefore close and stop receiving donations at midnight on Saturday March 5th 2016.
We would encourage everyone to support the Coffee Morning kindly being run by Medbourne WI on Saturday March 5th (at the Village Hall) which will raise additional funds. There is now also an opportunity to donate at Medbourne Village Shop in the collection box.
As stated in our previous letter (January 2016, see below) any extra funds raised will be put towards first aid training for people from Medbourne and Nevill Holt.
We would also like to take this opportunity of letting the villagers know that hopefully the Parish Council will take on the administration of the fund in the future and it will be responsible for the defibrillator located in the centre of the village.
Many thanks to everyone for their support.
David and Val Tyler
Defibrillator Update - January 2016
Following the letter we sent out at the end of last year we are pleased to report a positive response to our fundraising efforts.
We have started to contact everyone in the village to ask if they would like to make a donation and we will continue to ask for donations until the fund is closed.
Our intention is to fund one defibrillator for Medbourne to be located in the porch of St Giles Church. The funds being raised are to cover the cost of purchasing the defibrillator, installing it and to provide a fund to maintain and insure it over the next 5 years.
If, after the generosity of villagers, we raise more money than is needed for this we will set up a fund which is specifically to train people in the local area in first aid. We are currently discussing the most effective way of organising such training and look forward to keeping you updated on these plans.
Please do get in touch if you would like to contribute to the fund. We have opened a bank account and cheques can be made payable to MEDBOURNE DEFIBRILLATOR FUND. We hope to have raised sufficient funds by Easter .
Finally we have co-opted Jo Milligan and Rebekah Budenberg to join us on this fundraising project.
A Defibrillator for Medbourne
Original letter sent to residents
Having lived in Medbourne for most of our lives, Val and I have always considered it a privilege to live in this village. Over the years we have seen many changes, not always for the better.
However, with an ever ageing population, there is one vital component missing – a defibrillator.
Defibrillators are available in all town centres and many villages but not in Medbourne. So we have decided to embark on a fund-raising project to provide a defibrillator for our village.
The Rector and Churchwardens have agreed, subject to Diocesan approval, that it can be located in the church porch where it will be available 24/7. This location means that it will be located within 6 minutes of 90% of people in the village.
Starting on 1st January 2016 we will be approaching businesses, organisations, clubs and all 190 households for donations.
We have opened a bank account with cheques to be made payable to:
With your support we are looking for a quick project, hopefully completed by Easter 2016.
Many thanks.
David and Val Tyler
8 Springbank