Medbourne Pre-school
Medbourne Pre-school Playgroup was formed in 1982 as a community playgroup with strong links to the local primary school. In 1994 it became registered as a charity with a management committee. Playgroup is registered with OFSTED for a maximum of 24 children per session aged two and a half to five years.
Meeting in the Village Hall, sessions are from 9:15am to 3:15pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. The Pre-school term dates are aligned with Bringhurst Primary School.
The sessions are divided into three parts: free play, snack and outside play. Sessions also include stories, songs and a variety of activities. There is a wide range of equipment and the children are encouraged to learn through play. There are 4 members of staff and the children know them all well. The Playgroup enjoys regular outings and interesting visitors. The children and their families make firm friendships.
For more information please consult the Medbourne Pre-school Playgroup web site.
Contact is Sara Robbins on 01536 771368, telephone during opening hours 07762 435495 or you can email using this link.