Medbourne's Email List

"Medbourne as it happens"
If you want to keep up-to-date with "what's happening in Medbourne" there are three easy ways to do it:
- check this web site regularly, or
- request regular updates via email, or
- follow us on Twitter.
For busy people on the move the latter two options are ideal as you can receive regular reminders directly to your smart phone, tablet or PC.
You will see that there's a Twitter panel on the Village Home Page; this replaces any form of News page on this web site. News will always be published first via email and Twitter.
Regular Updates
The Diary page of this web site carries the complete calendar of activities and events in the village. Email and Twitter subscribers will receive a monthly reminder of what's coming up next month. There may also be emails for specific news items or events that are notified too late for the regular email.
Emails will be sent to a Medbourne Village email list. To join the list click here. Also, read about the safeguards.
Event Organisers - please note
It's important that everything happening in the village is posted in the Diary. (However, please continue to use paper posters, the Parish magazine and newspaper advertising - not everybody is online!) To post events simply email the site administrator. If you have a poster, photo or artwork please include it in the posting (.jpg and .pdf files preferred).
The aim is to maximise awareness of what's happening in the village thereby increasing participation for the benefit of all. Posting your event online is both the easiest and the most important thing you can do to publicise it.
Subscribe to the Medbourne village email list
To add your name to the Medbourne Village email list simply type your name and email address in the boxes below and press the Submit button. Details of safeguards and how to unsubscribe are given in the Notes below.
Notes for email subscribers
- The form above sends your details to the site administrator via an email.
- Your details will not be held online, instead they will be retained only on the site administrator's private PC.
- All the emails will be sent from the administrator's PC as blind copies, so your email details will not be distributed to everyone else in the village.
- To unsubscribe from the list simply reply to one of the emails requesting your name be removed from the list.
- Every attempt will be made to maximise the amount of information distributed whilst minimising the number of emails sent to each subscriber.
- Many emails will include a link to this web site where further information will be available. The reason for this is threefold: to keep emails small, to respect copyright and to enable tweets (via Twitter). As Twitter can't deliver attachments an attachments submitted will be uploaded onto this web site and a link sent out both in email and Twitter.
- If you have any comments on the way the system works you can reply to one of the emails.
- As emails are published documents they are subject to the laws covering published material. For this reason email submissions have to be filtered.
- Over time considerable "case law" has amassed which now shapes what is published. This is fully covered in the document All About The Email List.