Medbourne Diary
December 2016

Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 1 | 2 | 3
Christmas Tree Lighting CANCELLED |
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
Christmas Bridge Tea
Medbourne Village Hall
12:30 for 1:00pm
£30.00 per table including Tea
Christmas Raffle and Prizes
Details from:
Pat Nelson 01858 565708
Chris Killip 01858 565366
All proceeds to Parkinsons UK
Christmas Tree Lighting
This event has been cancelled for logistical reasons.
Parish Council Meeting
To be held in the Village Hall
All welcome to attend
December 2016 Agenda
November 2016 Minutes
Scouts Carol Service
1st Welland Valley Scouts special service.
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Christmas Words and Music
Harborough Singers
in aid of the Parish Project (supporting Parkinsons disease this year).
An entertaining evening of ‘Words & Music’ featuring the Harborough Singers with Musical Director David Beavan,
in the beautiful surroundings of St Giles Church, Medbourne.
Starting at 6.30pm
Tickets: £10.00 to include mince pies and a glass of wine.
Tickets available from: Martin van Oppen 01858 565332, Margaret Tuffs 01858 565911, Medbourne Village Stores 01858 565928, Great Easton PO & Stores 01536 770309, Sally Beaty 01858 565302, Jim Wright 01536 770258
Parish Office Email:
The Parish Office is open on a Tuesday and Wednesday morning between 9 am –1 pm, telephone 01536 660568. (Please note there is no answerphone facility).
See web site for further details:
Autumn Club Raffle Draw
The draw to win Christmas hampers in aid of the Autumn Club takes place today.
WI Meeting
How to Survive Christmas - Penny Hodgson
Refresshments: Members and Committee
Senior Citizens' Lunch
To be held at the Sports Club.
This is for Senior Citizens. The cost is £5 per person to include a lunch a sweet and tea or coffee.
Anyone who wants to join the Lunch Club (no joining fee) can contact Mike Rickman (565377) with their details and to book a place.
Participants should arrive at the Sports Club for 11.30 with the lunch at 12.30. There are no tickets but please book a place no later than the previous Friday so the Sports Club knows how many to cater for.
Santa comes to Medbourne
Organised by 1st Welland Valley Scouts:
Some of our parents have been busy as busy as Santa's Elves and have built this lovely sleigh, which will be touring Medbourne on 15th December, from 6.00pm till 8.00pm.
Santa will be present with some elves, and children are welcome to come out and say hello or wave.
We will have some bucket rattlers alongside sleigh, so donations welcome.
Service of Nine Lessons and Carols by Candlelight
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Children's Service
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Nativity Play.
Midnight Mass
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Advent Windows Tour
The safari starts promptly at 6pm. You will go at your own pace using your list it is not a guided tour.
Please can you bring a glass suitable for mulled wine. £2 for mulled wine children will also need a cup for juice - no charge!
There will be a second drink stop at Water Cottage, Waterfall Way kindly offered by Nick and Elaine Hall.
Please print off the list of houses to ensure you see all windows!
There is no window by the Branken Frisbies which was on the first list but Frances Gaze has a nativity lit at The Old Bakehouse.
Remember to look up to upstairs windows and around the side of the playground for the Hammond's
Thank you to all houses for lighting up!
If you intend to join the tour please let Caroline Jack know so she can manage the quantities required.
See the list of adresses to be visited.