Medbourne DiaryDecember 2019

Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
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8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
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29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
To be held at St. Giles' Church with singers from Nevill Holt Opera.
Cuppa & Catch-up
Tea and coffee is served in the Village Hall every Monday during the hours the Hall is open for the Nurses Surgery from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Closed on Bank holidays. Please use the kitchen entrance to the small hall for the teas. The rear door is only for the patients visiting the surgery. There will be a charge of £1 for tea or coffee and a biscuit, proceeds will be passed on to the Village Hall refurbishment fund.
Everyone welcome.
Click on the poster to see it enlarged.
Parish Council Meeting
To be held in the Village Hall.
All welcome to attend.
December 2019 Agenda
November 2019 Minutes
Scouts Service
Christmas Carol Service at St. Giles' Church for Welland Valleys Scouts.
Mon. 9th Dec 2019 13:30 - 15:00
Visit of Alicia Kearns
Alicia Kearns has taken over the Conservative candidacy for Melton annd Rutland from Sir Alan Duncan, who has been our MP for 27 years and has now decided to stand down.
She will be visiting the Village Hall in the company of Cllr. Michael Rickman during the afternoon teas.
Cuppa & Catch-up
Tea and coffee is served in the Village Hall every Monday during the hours the Hall is open for the Nurses Surgery from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Closed on Bank holidays. Please use the kitchen entrance to the small hall for the teas. The rear door is only for the patients visiting the surgery. There will be a charge of £1 for tea or coffee and a biscuit, proceeds will be passed on to the Village Hall refurbishment fund.
Everyone welcome.
Click on the poster to see it enlarged.
Santa's Coming
The Scouts are bringing Santa's Sleigh to the Village. It is due to start around the village at approximately 5 p.m. with a break for Santa to visit the Cubs in the Village Hall who will be having their Christmas Party. The sleigh will continue round the village from about 7.15 onwards.
W.I. Meeting
Chocolate: Demonstration & Tasting - Tom Philips
Refreshments: Members & The Committee
A Celebration of Christmas in Words and Music
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Music from Rowell Camerata, Musical Director: David Beavan.
All welcome - no tickets required.
Retiring collection at the door.
Cuppa & Catch-up
Tea and coffee is served in the Village Hall every Monday during the hours the Hall is open for the Nurses Surgery from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Closed on Bank holidays. Please use the kitchen entrance to the small hall for the teas. The rear door is only for the patients visiting the surgery. There will be a charge of £1 for tea or coffee and a biscuit, proceeds will be passed on to the Village Hall refurbishment fund.
Everyone welcome.
Click on the poster to see it enlarged.
Senior Citizens' Lunch
To be held at the Sports Club.
This is for Senior Citizens. The cost is £5 per person to include a lunch a sweet and tea or coffee.
Anyone who wants to join the Lunch Club (no joining fee) can contact Mike Rickman (565377) with their details and to book a place.
Participants should arrive at the Sports Club for 11.30 with the lunch at 12.30. There are no tickets but please book a place no later than the previous Friday so the Sports Club knows how many to cater for.
Cuppa & Catch-up
Tea and coffee is served in the Village Hall every Monday during the hours the Hall is open for the Nurses Surgery from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Closed on Bank holidays. Please use the kitchen entrance to the small hall for the teas. The rear door is only for the patients visiting the surgery. There will be a charge of £1 for tea or coffee and a biscuit, proceeds will be passed on to the Village Hall refurbishment fund.
Everyone welcome.
Click on the poster to see it enlarged.
Service of Lessons and Carols
Service of nine lessons and carols by candlelight.
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Children's Service
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Service of Lessons and Carols
Service of lessons and carols.
To be held at Nevill Holt Church.
Christmas Day Service
United Eucharist.
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Cuppa & Catch-up
Tea and coffee is served in the Village Hall every Monday during the hours the Hall is open for the Nurses Surgery from 2.30pm-4.30pm. Closed on Bank holidays. Please use the kitchen entrance to the small hall for the teas. The rear door is only for the patients visiting the surgery. There will be a charge of £1 for tea or coffee and a biscuit, proceeds will be passed on to the Village Hall refurbishment fund.
Everyone welcome.
Click on the poster to see it enlarged.