Medbourne DiaryOctober 2020

Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 |
18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 |
25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |
Parish Council Meeting
To be held as a Zoom meeting.The Zoom link to the Meeting will be (passcode 722518):
Members of the public are welcome to link into this meeting from a private address by 7.50 pm but can only participate when invited under ‘Public Representations’.
October 2020 Agenda
September 2020 Minutes
Bank Reconciliation to 7th September 2020
W. I. Meeting - CANCELLED
Door to the Himalayas
Helen Philips
Joint Meeting with Hallaton
Hostesses: Pat Nelson & Chris Killip
Raffle: Marilyn Switzer
Village Hall Committee
To be held ias a Zoom meeting.
Topic: VH Meeting
Time: Oct 19, 2020 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 458 917 8350
Passcode: 1ewnXn
October 2020 Agenda
September 2020 Minutes
Senior Citizens' Lunch - CANCELLED
To be held at the Sports Club.
This is for Senior Citizens. The cost is £5 per person to include a lunch a sweet and tea or coffee.
Anyone who wants to join the Lunch Club (no joining fee) can contact Mike Rickman (565377) with their details and to book a place.
Participants should arrive at the Sports Club for 11.30 with the lunch at 12.30. There are no tickets but please book a place no later than the previous Friday so the Sports Club knows how many to cater for.
Halloween at Rural Relaxing
Thank you to all those who have already advised that you and your family will be popping up to Rural Relaxing on Saturday 31st October 5pm-7pm
Please can anyone who still wishes to attend advise as soon as possible for catering and for TRACK & TRACE purposes. We don't want to run out of hot dogs or sweetie bags so please advise by emailing, thank you.
A huge thank you to all those residents who have kindly donated sweets - we have a huge box full and they will be individually bagged up for each child who attends.
Managing your expectations - keeping everyone safe, this is what to do on arrival
- Everything will be entirely outside.
- On arrival through the gates please sanitise all hands using the sanitise "potion" available.
- Please follow the one-way system - keep left of the cones on entry and exit on the right! Mums and dads please keep the children 2 metres from the family in front of you, we have plenty of space so if you need to move onto the field this is ok.
- Proceed to the pumpkin table where you will be able to collect a pre-wrapped, hot dog (we will wrap them in foil for ease of handing them out and they will be on a hot plate keeping them warm). Please advise if you would like a vegetarian sausage.
- Please have exact money available £1.50 and drop it into the cauldron! Watch out for the spiders! (profit from these will be going to Hope Against Cancer our charity).
- After the hot dog table, proceed to the spider table and pick up a bag of socially distanced bags of sweets - one per child!
- Keeping your distance, you can either take the hot dog home or eat it on site providing spacing is observed utilising the masses of space and outside picnic tables we have.
- More sanitising potion is available on the outside tables
Keeping you safe
Keeping within the rules
Making our kids smile during difficult times
Happy Halloween!