Medbourne Diary
March 2023

Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
29 | 30
31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 |
12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 |
Parish Council Meeting
For full details see the Parish Council web site.
Mondays, 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th March 2023 14:30
Afternoon Teas
To be served in the Village Hall between 2:30pm and 4:00pm.
W.I. Meeting
To be held in the Village Hall.
Bee Catching & Keeping
Peter Bognovic
Hostesses: Marjorie Dore & Anita Bray
Raffle: Jackie Cooper
A competition will be held at the March, June, September and December Meetings - Topic to b decided at previous meeting.
Village Hall Committee Meeting
To be held in the Village Hall
March 2023 Agenda
February 2022 Minutes
Mother's Day at Rural Relaxing
If you are you are a mum, a granny, a group of ladies, whether with the family or as group, let’s get you together to say thank you for being a mum, a granny, an aunty, a cousin, a daughter, a niece, whatever fits – let’s welcome you!
Our “mother’s day” cream tea will be served in the NEW tipi with a glass of fizz & warm scones with clotted or double cream, tea & coffee – vintage tea china & silver tea pots!
To book a table £6 per head without fizz, £9.50 with a glass of fizz
Hope to see you.
Caroline Jack
Rural Relaxing
Big Tent Cake Sale
With all funds towards the Church. Again, to be held in the tipi on a Saturday morning, extending the time though from 9am until 1.30 because last year some came early and others came after 12 when it was all over, this year I think we can offer it from the longer period.
All donations of home-baked goodies will be welcome.
We will also be doing a raffle this year – again to extend the fund raising opportunity and I am of the view of buying a few really good gifts or one big gift – it’s Easter early in April so we could do one large chocolate hamper? Thoughts and ideas welcome.
I am hopeful that we will once again get the mugs for sale as before.
Aiming to beat 2022 target which was around £800!
Senior's Lunch Club
How the club runs:-
- We ask that you confirm you are attending by the previous Friday, as we collect the shopping on the Monday/Tuesday, so it is helpful know the numbers by then.
- You can ring Mike on 01858 565377 or 07720 133233 or Gail on 01858 565430 and if not in please leave a message.
- There is no joining fee and the dinners cost £5 for a main meal, dessert and tea/coffee.
- If anyone would like to join the club please contact either by phone or email and we can forward a registration form.