Medbourne Diary
December 2024

Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
1 Xmas Lights at Village Hall |
2 | 3 | 4 Parish Council Meeting |
5 Santa's Sleigh |
6 | 7 Carols @ the Tipi |
8 | 9 | 10 | 11 WI Meeting |
12 Ladies Lunch |
13 | 14 Xmas Event @ the Tipi |
15 | 16 Carol Service |
17 | 18 Village Hall Committee |
19 Senior's Lunch Club Jingle, Mingle & Sparkle |
20 | 21 |
22 | 23 | 24 Children's Service Nevill Holt Carol Service |
25 Christmas Day Eucharist |
26 | 27 | 28 |
29 | 30 | 31 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Village Hall Chrismas Lights
Come to Medbourne Village Hall where the Christmas tree lights will be switched on to celebrate the start of the festive season. Mulled wine, beer, soft drinks and nibbles.
Parish Council Meeting
For details see the Parish Council web site.
Santa's Sleigh
Starting at the Church and finishing at 20:30 at the Village Hall after a trip around the village.
1st Welland Valley Scouts will be raising money for an orrphanage in Ukraine.
This will give everyone in the village the opportunity to see Santa, but to also make a donation should they wish to. On the night we will be collecting cash, we will also have card readers so you can pay be credit or debit card, we can accept cheques made payable to 1st Welland Valley. There is the option for online payment.
Administrator note: online bank details not published for security reasons.
Carols in the Tipi
Carols by the talented Valley Voice Choir (10am-11am). In the tipi, come and grab a coffee and enjoy their contribution of Christmas Carols.
W.I. Meeting
To be held in the Village Hall.
Fabric Origami and Patchwork for Christmas - Pamela Miller
Refreshments: Members
Medbourne Ladies' Lunch
To be held at the Nevill Arms.
Click here for a printable menu.
£35.00 for 3 courses or £30 for 2 courses.
Please contact Gillie Wilson 07884 187232 or
Gill Pemberton 07831 473693 to add your name to the list or send menu choices.
Xmas Event at the Tipi
Join us for some Christmas cheer at the Tipi until 12:30.
Cakes, Raffle, Coffee, Mince Pies and Mulled Wine.
In aid of St. Giles' Church and Medbourne Education Foundation.
Click on the poster to see it full full size.
Carol Service by Candlelight
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
Village Hall Committee Meeting
To be held in the Village Hall.
December 2024 Agenda
November 2024 Minutes
Senior's Christmas Lunch
How the club runs:-
- We ask that you confirm you are attending by the previous Friday, as we collect the shopping on the Monday/Tuesday, so it is helpful know the numbers by then.
- You can ring Mike on 01858 565377 or 07720 133233 or Gail on 01858 565430 and if not in please leave a message.
- There is no joining fee and the dinners cost £5 for a main meal, dessert and tea/coffee.
- If anyone would like to join the club please contact either by phone or email and we can forward a registration form.
Jingle, Mingle and Sparkle
To be held at Rural Relaxing.
Tickets £10
6pm – 10:30pm
n opportunity to raise a glass and see your friends with live music and dancing.
Christmas Eve Children’s Service in Medbourne
To be held at St. Giles' Church.
You are invited to come dressed as Angels, Kings, Shepherds, Mary and Joseph, farm animals and join in the fun.
Nevill Holt Carol Service
To be held at Nevill Holt church with the kind permission of David Ross.
Christmas Day Eucharist
To be held at St. Giles' Church.